Microelectronics – Ever smaller, ever faster

Microelectronics comprises the design, development and production of electronic circuits. Visitors to the exhibition will move through the steps of microchip production – from sand to the finished product.


Microchips have become an invisible, constant companion in daily life. They have made all technical devices more mobile and effective. Whether in cars, smartphones or washing machines – chips are everywhere. Today’s microchips contain several billion transistors. They are manufactured with structures in the nanometre range and are increasingly faster and more cost effective.

Air shower and clean room

Particles contaminating a half-finished chip could mean defects or possibly even lead to the ruin of the entire chip, which is why they are produced in huge clean rooms. The entrance to the exhibition unit presents a clean room including an air shower. Here, children have the opportunity to put on clean-room suits.

Deep Frame

In Deep Frame, the structure of circuit boards as well as realistic, digitally produced 3D images of people can be seen. VR glasses are not needed to experience the mixed reality technology.

From sand to the finished product

Through pictures, videos, texts and displays, visitors will gain important insights into the fundamentals, materials, production processes and products of microelectronics – ranging from silicon single crystals weighing 100 kilograms to extremely thin, fragile wafers to the tiny chips in finished products. The last part of the exhibition offers visitors a look at the microtechnology of tomorrow.