Feel supported
Computer-based technical aids can help the elderly and disabled to retain or restore maximum independence and a healthy quality of life.
Learn how computer technology can also compensate, at least in part, for loss of body functions. Test human-computer interfaces: try to move a ball with only the power of your thoughts or marvel at the communication possibilities which have been tested for completely paraplegic patients.
Major exhibits:
- Intelligent prosthetics
- Treadmill training with a robotic device
- Intelligent wheelchair
- HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) robot suit
- Computers help in healing - man-machine interfaces
- Life-Shirt
- Mindball brain computing
- Mobile phone used in remote monitoring of cardiac patients
- Emergency mobile phone
- Three-button mobile phone
- Con-Trex rehabilitation device for neuromuscular disorders
- Software program to counter special fears
- Medicine pumps, neurostimulation systems (deep brain stimulation, spinal cord stimulation)
- Retinal and cochlea implant